Nasal Allergies
Posted in Allergies - Nasal, expertise

Nasal Allergies

Allergies are among the most common chronic conditions worldwide. Allergy symptoms range from making you miserable to putting you at risk for life-threatening reactions. Our immune system protects us from invading organisms that can cause illness. If you have an allergy, your immune system mistakes an otherwise harmless substance as an invader. We call this […]

Posted in Asthma, expertise


Asthma is a chronic disease involving the airways in the lungs. These airways allow air to come in and out of the lungs. If you have asthma your airways are inflamed. They become even more swollen and the muscles around the airways can tighten when something triggers your symptoms. This makes it difficult for air […]

Food Allergies
Posted in expertise, Food Allergies

Food Allergies

People with food allergies have an allergic reaction when they come in contact with certain foods. This happens because their immune system overreacts to the proteins in that food.  Eight kinds of food cause most food allergies: • Cow’s milk• Eggs• Peanuts• Wheat• Soy• Fish• Shellfish• Tree nuts Signs of a food allergy include:• A rash, […]

Immune Deficiency
Posted in expertise

Immune Deficiency

When part of the immune system is either absent or not functioning properly, it can result in an immune deficiency disease. When the cause of this deficiency is hereditary or genetic, it is called a primary immunodeficiency disease (PIDD). Researchers have identified more than 300 different kinds of PIDD. The immune system is composed of white blood […]

Stinging Insect Allergies
Posted in expertise, Stinging Insect Allergies

Stinging Insect Allergies

Most of us develop redness and swelling at the site of an insect bite. Yet people who are allergic to stinging insect venom are at risk for a much more serious reaction. This life-threatening reaction is called anaphylaxis. Symptoms can include the following: •    Swelling of the face, throat or tongue•    Difficulty breathing•    Dizziness•    Stomach […]

Medication Allergy
Posted in expertise

Medication Allergy

Adverse reactions to medications are common, yet everyone responds differently. One person may develop a rash or other reactions when taking a certain medication, while another person on the same drug may have no adverse reaction at all. Only about 5% of these reactions are due to an allergy to the medication. An allergic reaction […]